Brand storytelling
Johanna Davies Johanna Davies

Brand storytelling

How telling a great story can elevate your brand from ordinary to extraordinary. Brand storytelling is not just a marketing tactic, its what will set your brand apart, draw people in and leave them feeling emotionally connected.

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Copywriting for social media
Johanna Davies Johanna Davies

Copywriting for social media

Consider social media as mini blogging tool and optimise your social media content for readabilty and engagement. A few tips for social media copywriting.

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Marketing is just marketing, right!
Johanna Davies Johanna Davies

Marketing is just marketing, right!

Why there is more to marketing than you might think. Some marketing definitions to help you decide what sort of support you might need to help grow your business through the art of marketing.

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Marketing for sustainability
Johanna Davies Johanna Davies

Marketing for sustainability

In the words of Seth Godin, "What is going to solve the problem is when small businesses lead the way in culture change, so it becomes normal to do the things that dramatically change the carbon equation." And its choosing to work with those businesses that helps me in my ambition to be a sustainable marketer.

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Why I got carbon literate
Johanna Davies Johanna Davies

Why I got carbon literate

Helping safeguard our world for future generations by doing business responsibly. Why I got carbon literate.

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