Why I got carbon literate
Being a considered and considerate marketer is important to me. I understand the positive effect that nature has on wellbeing. Unless we protect the precious ecosystems from which our planet is woven, habitats will be lost having a negative impact every single one of us. Business has both the power and responsibility to do good and to help our global community reach its climate change objectives.
As the world gets hotter due to human activity, we have to curb that activity and make positive changes to mitigate the irreversible effects of global warming. The 2015 Paris Agreement committed countries to limit the average global temperature rise to 1.5°C by 2050. But our planet is currently on target for a catastrophic 3°C increase and time is fast running out. We have to act now - tomorrow is too late.
“Our house is on fire. I am here to say, our house is on fire”
Greta Thunberg
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions, particularly CO2, is key, and if we can take responsibility both as individuals and professionals, we can make a difference. We can be more considered in our choices, we can lead by example and we can become ambassadors for positive change.
I am currently in the throes of becoming a chartered marketer, which involves ongoing professional development. As part of my professional education, I wanted to find a way of demonstrating my commitment to engaging only in climate positive business practices. Becoming involved with the Carbon Literacy Project felt like the right thing to do.
A Carbon Literate citizen understands how climate change will affect them and the people around them. Becoming Carbon Literate demonstrates that a participant has acquired the knowledge and skills to develop their own responses to lowering their carbon footprint, and the carbon footprint of others. Being Carbon Literate allows citizens the confidence to share their Carbon Literacy.
A Carbon Literacy course covers:
The science behind climate change
Social equity & climate change
What you can do to act on climate change
Strategies and skills for communicating action on climate change
I’m proud to be certified Carbon Literate today - global citizen number 38,024 to be recognised. I would urge you to do the same. Get involved for everyone’s sake!
Addendum … shortly after completing this course, I made the difficult decision to part company (on good terms) with a client due to the nature of their business - marketing services for clients in the fossil fuel industry. A heart over head moment, but it freed me to dedicate my time to businesses with creativity, heart & soul and allowed me to sleep more peacefully.
Doing good business
Find out more about Carbon Literacy certification at The Carbon Literacy Project.